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MTR - Frequently Asked Questions - (FAQ's)

Q. Isn't MTR's lower fees hurting the recruiting industry?


A. Absolutely not!


Having a strong reputation in the technical recruiting industry is crucial for the success of our business. In order to attract the best candidates and maintain a high level of quality in our work, it is important that we prioritize finding the perfect fit for your team, rather than compromising and settling for candidates who may not meet your standards.


Our fees are consistent, so there is no risk of losing out on top talent to competitors who may offer a higher fee to their preferred clients. Maintaining a professional reputation and upholding the quality of our work is of the utmost importance to us.


At MTR, we believe in leading by example. In order to streamline our process and provide the best service to our clients, we have eliminated the use of account reps, business development reps, and sales reps in our business model.


This allows us to offer lower rates without sacrificing quality, and our clients will consistently be benefited from this approach. By practicing what we preach, we are able to provide exceptional service to our clients while still maintaining our efficiency and effectiveness.


Q. Do you do contingency searches?


A. No


Q. What type of searches and services do you offer?


  1. Single =  Requires 1/3 payment upon start 
  2. Multiple = Requires 1/2 payment upon start
  3. Interwoven Services (Embedded Recruiters) = No payment to start required **

  4. Technical Recruiting Revenue Adjuncts (TRRA's) = No payment to start required **


** Our Back-office will invoice you weekly to verify billable hours and workout customized payment dates **



MTR's Question for potential clients:


Do you reduce your product or service fees by 50% and present your product or service at only 50% of what it should do? is that a good business deal?  Obviously, the answer is no.


Do you reduce your product or service fees by 25% and present your product or service at only 25% of what it should do? is that a good business deal?  It is clear that the answer is still no.


When MTR presents a candidate who has all of the necessary credentials and is ready to make an immediate impact, isn't that the type of return on investment that you want?  Without a doubt, the answer is yes.


Do you want MTR to provide the best talent in your area of specialization vs. the best talent in a recruiting database or from job posting boards? There is no question that the answer is yes.